

I Bureau

The Bureau consists of one President who is elected among the Board Members, and four Vice Presidents and one Treasurer appointed by the recommendation of the President. The Bureau members discuss the key issues related to the operation and management of the Council and provide advice to the Board of Council.

Bureau Members (2023-2026)

President Vice President Treasurer
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Dr. Seogdae Yun Ms. Leonor Cleofas Ms. Xu Jing Dr. Firdaus Ali H.E. Ponh Sachak Dr. Nidal Salim
K-water(Republic of Korea) Metro-politan Waterworks and Sewerage System(Philippines) Ministry of Water Resources of China(China) Indonesian Water Institute(Indonesia) Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology (Cambodia) Global Institute for Water, Environment and Health (Switzerland)

I Board of Council

AWC’s Board of Council (BoC) is the highest decision-making body composed of 29 members serving the three-year term. The BoC members are elected at the General Assembly. Each eligible member has a right to vote to decide matters related to the operation and management of the Council, its governance and accountability, finance and audit of the Secretariat, approve membership and water projects, and elect the President.

29 Board of Council Members (2023-2026)


College 1. GOVERNMENTS table
1 China Ministry of Water Resources (MWR) Xu Jing Yaqi Gao
2 Rep. of Korea Daegu Metropolitan City Joon-pyo Hong Hyung-jae Jee
3 Laos Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM) Thongphath Inthavong Chansaveng Boungnong
4 Rep. of Korea Ministry of Environment (MoE) Okjoo Sohn Taeyun Kim
5 Cambodia Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology (MOWRAM) Ponh Sachak Tach Sovanna
6 Indonesia Ministry of Public Works and Housing (MPWH) M Basuki Hadimuljono Moh Zainal Fatah
7 Thailand Office of the National Water Resources (ONWR) Surasri Kidtimonton .Chumlarp Tejasen
8 Mongolia Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) B. Bat-Erdene Dorjsuren Ariuntuya 
9 Philippines Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS) Leonor C. Cleofas  Walter M. Partosa 

College 2. MDBs and ECAs (Advisory Board)

College 3. Public Organization

College 3. Public Organization
1 Rep. of Korea K-water (*ex-officio) Yun Seog Dae Han Seong Yong
2 Mongolia Water Services Regulatory Commission of Mongolia (WSRC) Jamiyansuren Batsuuri Bataa Dorjbat

College 4. Enterprises

College 4. Enterprises
1 Philippines Maynilad Water Services Inc. Ramoncito S. Fernandez Randolph T. Estrellado
2 China Yellow River Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd (YREC) Dewen Yin Xinran Shao

College 5. Academia and Research Organization

College 5. Academia and Research Organization
1 France @qua Smart ICT for Water Philippe Gourbesville Lian Guey Ler
2 Thailand Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) Mukand S. Babel Sangam Shrestha
3 Indonesia Indonesian Association of Hydraulic Engineers (IAHE) Ir. Jarot Widyoko Ismail Widadi
4 China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR) Wang Jianhua Wang Yanwei
5 Indonesia Indonesia Water Institute (IWI) Ir. Firdaus Ali Marsya Dyasthi Putri
6 Rep. of Korea KDI School of Public Policy and Management Jong-il You Dong-young Kim
7 Rep. of Korea Korea Environment Institute (KEI) Chang Hoon Lee Jongho Ahn
8 China Tsinghua University Zhongjing Wang Jianshi Zhao 

College 6. International Organization and Civil Society

College 6. International Organization and Civil Society
1 Uzbekistan Agency of International Fund for the Aral Sea Saving (IFAS) Vadim Sokolov Adkham Tulyaganov
2 Australia Australian Water Partnership (AWP) Sarah Ransom John Dore
3 Switzerland Global Institute for Water, Environment and Health (GIWEH) NIDAL SALIM Dietrich Bartlet
4 International International Water Resources Association (IWRA) Yuanyuan Li Callum Clench
5 Rep. of Korea Korea Water Forum (KWF) Kyul ho Kwak Eun Namkung
6 Nepal The Resources Center (TRC) Bindu Lohani Pramod Shrestha
7 International UNESCO i-WSSM Bongwoo SHIN Rina Ryoo
8 Pakistan Gomal Damaan Area Water Partnership (GDAWP) Muhammad Aslam Khan Muhammad Wasif Bashir Babar

I Special Committee

As the main drivers of the AWC, six Special Committees contribute to identify primary regional water problems and applicable solutions through feasible implementation methods. Each Special Committee evaluates the proposed water projects and nominates the final list. In addition, Special Committees organize ‘Asia Water Issue’ at the Asia International Water Week by coordinating AWC members to disseminate the latest water issues in each member country and share the action plans. Each Special Committee consists of Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Coordinator, and Members.

Special Committee Country Organization
Strategy & PolicyAustraliaAustralian Water Partnership (AWP)
NepalThe Resources Centre (TRC)
Republic of KoreaSeoul National University (SNU)
IWRM/SWMChinaTsinghua University
Republic of KoreaK-water
France@qua-Smart ICT for Water
Republic of KoreaDangkook University
Republic of KoreaSmart Water Grid Research Group
Water and Climate ChangeChinaChina Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR)
ThailandAsian Institute of Technology (AIT)
Republic of KoreaKorea Environment Institute (KEI)
ChinaTsinghua University
Republic of KoreaJoongbu University
Water-Energy-Food NexusInternationalAgency of International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS)
Republic of KoreaDaejin University
ChinaChina Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR)
InternationalFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UNFAO)
Republic of KoreaKyung Hee University
Water for EcosystemInternationalUNESCO Jakarta Regional Science Bureau for Asia and the Pacific
InternationalInternational Water Resources Association (IWRA)
Republic of KoreaKorea Rural Community Corporation (KRC)
InternationalFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UNFAO)
Knowledge Base & DisseminationSingaporeTropical Marine Scientific Institute National University of Singapore (TMSI-NUS)
Republic of KoreaChungnam National University International Water Resources Research Institute (IWRRI)
InternationalUNESCO i-WSSM
SwitzerlandGlobal Institute for Water Environment and Health (GIWEH)

As of November 2020, there are 144 members from 27 countries classified into six colleges. The member organizations are composed of water policy and financing advisors, planners, government officials, technicians, engineers, scholars, and citizens of the international water community.

Any stakeholder (organization based) of the global water community who is committed to resolve global water challenges and willing to work for Asia can be a member of AWC.

AWC members

Become a member

I Secretariat

AWC Secretariat works on administrative matters of the Council, and hosts the General Assembly, Board of Council Meeting, and the AIWW. Also, it manages the membership, annual budget, documentation, and operates AWC’s international cooperation activities by building networks, conducting joint research projects, and participating various global water conferences under the President’s decision. The Secretariat office is located at the AWC Headquarters in Daejeon, Republic of Korea.
