Main Outcomes of the 2nd AIWW
March 14-16, 2022 / Labuan Bajo, Indonesia

Asia to World Statement
Declare the importance of Asia Water Issues to the World by Ministers, Parliamentarians and Water Experts

Asia Water Issues
Discuss Asia’s water issues and identify policy / technical solutions

Water Project Business Forum
Discuss the facilitation of Water Projects
(governments, local authorities and industry)
“Sustainable, Clean, and Sufficient Water for All”

Program of the 2nd AIWW

Main Activities
Asia to World Statement
The Asia to World Statement “Sustainable, Sufficient and Clean Water for All”
- - The commitment among the various water organizations from Asia
- - Based on the common perception of water as a critical and limited resources for human being
- - The Asia to World Statement consists of Ministerial, Parliamentary, Water Expert Statement in line with the 2nd AIWW overarching theme.

Water Project Business Forum
Promotion of the development of concrete water projects, serving as a business platform between multi-stakeholders including governments, water enterprises
- - WPBF platform is to share various water issues and project plans
- - Introduction of the relevant project experiences of the industry, introduction of water issues and projects, and G2B meetings.

Asia Water Issue(AWI)

Opening of the 2nd AIWW
Key figures who highlighted the 2nd AIWW including:
- Hon. Ki-moon Ban (President and Chair of GGGI & 8th UN Secretary General)
- H.E. Prof. Dr. (H.C.) K.H. Ma’ruf Amin Vice President of Indonesia
- Hon. Jeoung-ae Han Minister of Environment (Republic of Korea)
- Hon. Li Guoying - Video (Minister of Water Resources (China)
- Hon. Loic Fauchon - Video (President of the World Water Council)
- Prof. Petteri Taalas - Video (Secretary General of World Meteorological Organization)

Plenary Session 1
Smart-Eco City in New Capital of Indonesia
To share developing & enhancing water resources in the New Capital City of Indonesia
- - By addressing smart water management, digital transformation and green energy
- - Innovative technology contributes to achieve carbon neutralization and a sustainable city.

Plenary Session 2
Linkage between the 2nd AIWW & the 9th World Water Forum
Delivering the 2nd AIWW’s contribution to enhance global water security through sharing technical and policy solutions to resolve water issues in Asia to the world.

Asia Water Minister Meeting
Sharing each member country’s prioritized water issues and developing concrete action plans to accomplish the commitments in the ‘Asia to World - Ministerial Statement’.
- Discussions for accelerating SDGs and NDCs in the water sector
- - Sharing each country(ministry) and ADB’s key water issues
- - Sharing each country(ministry)’s water actions to achieve the NDCs by 2030
- - Participant : H.E. Airlangga Hartarto Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs/ Chair of National (Indonesia) , All Ministers, AWC President

To appreciate all the endeavors of the 2nd AIWW Organizing Committee and the host country
- - Appointment of the AWC Ambassadors from the founding members dedicated to develop AWC
- Commemoration of the successful outcomes of the 2nd AIWW and handover the AIWW flag to the 3rd AIWW host country, China.